Dental Fillings

For kids in Fremont

What are dental fillings?

Dental fillings are the best choice for restoring teeth with minor-to-moderate decay. In a filling, Dr. Michael Wang will remove decayed and damaged tooth structure, and restore your child’s tooth with a metal or composite material. The result is a restored tooth that looks, feels, and functions perfectly, just like it did before your child got a cavity. Worried that your child may have one or more cavities? Contact Mission Peak Pediatric Dentistry to schedule an appointment in Fremont today!

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Did you know…

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Laughing gas is safe, effective, and has been used in dentistry since the late 19th century

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What to expect from the pediatric dental filling process

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numbing & preparation

To begin the process, Dr. Wang will clean your child’s mouth and numb the area. We also offer dental sedation to help your child feel safe and comfortable throughout their appointment.

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removing decayed tooth material

Once your child’s mouth is numb, Dr. Wang will use a dental drill to gently remove decayed material and clean up the cavity. This removes infected enamel and exposes fresh tooth material.

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filling the tooth

After he has removed all of the decayed enamel, Dr. Wang will apply a composite or glass ionomer material to the tooth. He will shape, harden, and trim the material to restore the shape and function of your child’s tooth, and replace the missing structures.

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final fit check & polish

Once the filling is in place, Dr. Wang will check the fit with a special piece of paper, and adjust the filling so that it fits your child’s bite perfectly. Then, he’ll give it one final polish and send you and your child home. The entire process usually takes 30-60 minutes.

Types of pediatric dental fillings

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composite (tooth-colored) fillings

Tooth-colored fillings are made out of a blend of dental resin and a special type of crushed glass. They are ideal for treating decay in adult teeth, especially in the front teeth. This is because Dr. Wang can match the composite filling to the color of your child’s teeth perfectly, providing a seamless restoration.

amalgam (metal) Fillings

Metal amalgam fillings can be cost-effective and generally less technique sensitive to place. They thus may be be a good option for baby teeth. Although the amalgam material itself is very durable and smaller amalgam restorations have great longevity, amalgams can also make the restored teeth more prone to fractures if there was a history of a larger cavity on the tooth in question.

Since newer and more reliable white-colored filling options are now available in dentistry, our office only provides composite and glass ionomer, rather than amalgam, filling options. For teeth requiring larger restorations, we instead recommend crown options (ie. stainless steel or zirconia crowns) for better durability and long-term outcomes.

Common Causes Of Cavities

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Poor nutrition/sugary foods

A big cause of cavities is your child’s diet. If they eat lots of sugary and processed foods, or frequently drink soda, juice, and other sugary beverages, this can lead to a much higher risk of cavities, particularly when combined with inadequate oral hygiene.

Poor oral hygiene habits

Bad oral hygiene habits are one of the most common causes of cavities. Inadequate brushing leads to the buildup of food particles, bacteria, and acid in your child’s mouth, which raises their risk of tooth decay dramatically. Make sure your child is brushing at least twice a day for two minutes using ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste and flossing once per day.

Improper brushing/flossing techniques

It’s also important to make sure to brush properly. Your child should brush the front, top, and back of each tooth thoroughly using tooth-wide strokes, and brush near their gum line. They should spend at least 30 seconds on each quarter of their mouth. Dr. Wang and the team at Mission Peak Pediatric Dentistry can help demonstrate proper brushing techniques for your child.

Genetic factors

Some people have thinner enamel than others due to genetic factors. If your child brushes properly, and eats a “tooth-healthy” diet, but still gets cavities, they may simply be more susceptible to tooth decay. However, Dr. Wang and our team can help. With good at-home oral hygiene as well as treatments like fluoride treatment and dental sealants, you can keep your child’s risk of cavities low.

Did you know…

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Sedation options keep restless children calm while receiving dental treatment.

Interested in sedation services?

Call (510) 980-7325 to book an appointment.

Have questions about dental fillings? Find answers here.

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Do dental fillings hurt?

We strive to deliver the most comfortable experience to each of our patients. To ensure that your child does not feel pain or discomfort during treatment, we may numb the area to be worked on through a gentle approach. Additionally, we offer sedation options to make sure your little ones feel safe and comfortable throughout their appointment with Dr. Wang at Mission Peak Pediatric Dentistry.

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How long will my child's dental filling last?

Tooth-colored composite fillings usually last 5-7 years, while metal amalgam fillings can last 10+ years. However, this depends on their oral hygiene and lifestyle, too. With proper oral hygiene, regular visits to our office for preventive care, and a diet low in sugar and sticky foods like taffy or gummy candies, their fillings can last much longer.

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What are the signs that my child may have a cavity?

There are a few different signs you should look out for to determine if your child has a cavity. Your child may complain of tenderness, sensitivity, or pain in one of their teeth. This discomfort may be particularly sharp when they eat something hot, cold, or sugary, or have to bite down on tough or hard foods.

If they have a cavity, you may also be able to see a visible dark or discolored spot or even a hole in their tooth. If you suspect that your child has a cavity, we recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. Wang at Mission Peak Pediatric Dentistry right away.

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My child hasn’t complained about pain or sensitivity – why do they need a filling?

Only deep cavities cause pain and sensitivity. If your child has a more shallow cavity, they may not feel anything at all. But if you don’t get a filling for their cavity, it will only get worse. Eventually, their tooth decay may cause pain or discomfort, or result in a tooth infection. For these reasons, you may need to get a filling for your child’s tooth, even if they haven’t complained about pain or sensitivity.

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How do fillings keep my child’s smile healthy?

Fillings keep your child’s smile healthy by removing decayed tooth material and replacing it. During the filling process, Dr. Wang will remove all of the tooth’s unhealthy tissue, then use a filling to replace it. Your child’s filling will restore the shape and function of their tooth, and prevent further decay too. This keeps your child’s smile healthy and ensures they can bite, chew, and smile without pain.

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Are dental fillings covered by insurance?

Yes. Pediatric dental fillings are covered by dental insurance. However, each policy differs, so we recommend consulting your insurer or your policy documents to see how much your policy will pay toward your child’s dental filling.

Did you know…

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16% of school age children have a fear of the dentist.

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